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1. Sustainable Development Goals we plan on contributing to:*
You may get more details/description of each UN goal here:

Social Impact Reporting

We have utilized some common categories to help you with this section. Since this is not an exhaustive list, there is an opportunity to expand on impact methods not included in one of these categories.

  •   Employment - prioritize hiring a marginalized demographic (women, minorities, homeless, disabled, previously incarcerated, etc.).  Setting goals related to hiring and establishing programs to help marginalized people succeed and grow.  
  •   Supply - offering products or services that by nature benefit society like environmental remediation, or technology designed to connect people to giving or serving opportunities.  It also includes providing your product or service to those who cannot afford them as a standard part of your business model like a buy one give one model.  
  •   Supply Chain - a formal program for choosing vendors by evaluating diversity, ethics, social equality and carbon footprint. 
  •  Giving - a portion of revenues to an organization providing resources, training, or solutions to social causes, or selectively donating products or services to nonprofits or organizations working on social issues.
  •   Employee Engagement - you establish an intentional culture that fosters employee engagement in social impact.  Examples include matching employee giving, offering paid time off for employee volunteering/service, and actively promoting within your staff how the company advances social impact to motivate individuals to find their own passions and areas of impact.

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