Nexus Member Survey

Please select the top 5 factors that weighed most heavily in choosing Nexus.*
Have you ever been a member/tenant in another coworking space before Nexus?*

How do we compare?

Please select the top 5 factors that weighed most heavily in choosing your previous space.*

Below are statements about how space, amenities, and culture meet your needs. Mark the column for which the statement is true (True for Nexus, True for Previous Space, True for Both or True for Neither)

  Nexus is better than my other coworking space(s) My previous coworking space(s) are better than Nexus Both Neither
When I need a certain space (i.e boxes, meeting rooms, event space), they are generally available at that time.
Meeting rooms and event spaces are afforable considering my free credits and discounts available for usage.
Amenities (copy, scanning, lounge, other office equipment) meet my needs.
The events and resources offered are helpful to my business.
Other space members, as well as the staff, are interested in me and what my company does.
I feel as though I belong and fit in with the culture of the space.
There are opportunities to network and have my business be more involved in the community.
The staff is accomodating and able to connect me with resources that can better facilitate my company's growth and development.

Nexus Feedback

Below are statements about how space, amenities, and culture meet your needs. Mark the column for which the statement is true (Meets Needs, Does Not Meet Needs, N/A). If you do not use or have not used something, please mark N/A.

  Meets My Needs Does Not Meet Needs N/A
When I need a certain space (i.e boxes, meeting rooms, event space), they are generally available at that time.
Meeting rooms and event spaces are afforable considering my free credits and discounts available for usage.
Amenities (copy, scanning, lounge, other office equipment) meet my needs.
The events and resources offered are helpful to my business.
Other space members, as well as the staff, are interested in me and what my company does.
I feel as though I belong and fit in with the culture of the space.
There are opportunities to network and have my business be more involved in the community.
The staff is accomodating and able to connect me with resources that can better facilitate my company's growth and development.

Nexus Feedback

Contact Form

Would you be interested in serving on a member led team to foster more connections and business-to-business opportunities amongst members?*
Can we contact you for more information?*
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